About Me

Let me introduce myself...

Teaching since the beginning!! hah,hah

I was born and raised in Zaragoza, Spain. I attended the University of Zaragoza, where I attained a degree in English Studies. Since then, I have been teaching English to secondary school students for almost 30 years. I now live in Madrid with my three cats.
I have always had an interest in writing and wrote almost continuously as a teenager. 
When I am not working or writing, I enjoy nothing better than curling up on the sofa at home, either with my boyfriend, my cats, a good book or a combination of any of the three. I also enjoy travelling, especially around Europe, in-line roller skating and spending time with my circle of friends.

I also devote some of my spare time to working with animal welfare groups and enjoy the feeling I get when rescuing abandoned or abused animals.

For me, the future remains to be seen. I would obviously love the world to be a much better place for all living things and I still have many places on my list that I want to visit. I also intend to keep working in the job that I love.

For me, the best is yet to come.
